Final-Fan said:
If you have to resort to UTTER LOGICAL FAILURE to illustrate your point, perhaps your point isn't very good. Aaaaaaannnnd, you miss the point as well, Evolution has nothing but speciulation to back it up, no real scientific proof has been presented, so, Evolution in and of itself is nothing but "UTTER ILLOGICAL FAILURE" thus, the best way to poke fun at it and showcase how ridiculous it really is, would logically be to counter with something equally as redicoulouse. ; ) FYI Democrats control the senate, but until the Republicans gained control of the House, Congress was controlled by Democrats, and much detrimental garbage was passed during that time period, I can't wait for 2012! |
Anyway, enough of this tomfoolery!
This is me every morning...except, it's work for me, not school.
"with great power, comes great responsibility."