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I'm thinking of two things and would like to hear if you think this is ok.

-Firstly for any missing numbers or '*' I will give you the maximum of 100 points. This rarely happens, but I'll also limit the maximum score for anyone who did enter a prediction to 100. This way everyone will end up in all the scoring tables, which is easier for me than taking a person out. (last year there were 6 who chose not to predict for DS and PSP)

-Secondly I will not score the Total sales at the end of the game, but leave it at the 10 weeks. Last year we did score the Total and then multiplied the score by 3. It's supposed to reward the one's who might not have done so well it the 10 weeks, but may have had the right total. Those two are heavily correlated anyway and can in my oppinion make the end a little strange.