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Was about to skip Battlefield 3 (day 1), but amazon's $20 pre-order credit came at the last minute and it convinced me to buy day 1 and also for the limited edition. Will be skipping MW3 for now... I want to play both games eventually, but with Uncharted 3 right around the corner that will definitely take top priority!!
I'm also getting a bit tired of these yearly installments, mostly tired of the same COD engine. I'm excited to try out the new engine in BF3 and the high quality texture pack if you install to the HD.

Ah my backlog is growing and I haven't been able to keep up. I'd say my backlog includes a bunch of games I want to play, but I didn't buy/rent yet... (Mass Effect 2, Dead Island, RAGE, Resistance 3, R&C All4One, Castlevania DLC) and Batman Arkham City which I bought last week, but I haven't started. Right now I just started playing Infamous: Festival of Blood DLC and it's awesome playing as part vampire. I'd highly recommend this DLC to all fans of Infamous. The new flying move is sweet. I'm guessing the whole game might take about 5 hours as I'm over 62% complete about 2.5 hours in.

So I'm going to buy Uncharted 3 and Skyrim day 1, but I'm going to wait to play AC: Revelations, LOTR, MW3 and the MGS HD Collection. Then in Q1 2012 I can't catch a break with Soul Calibur V, Bioshock Infinite, SSX, Max Payne 3, and Twisted Metal all supposedly out before the end of March. Yikes and I bet there is more I'm forgetting. Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning is looking raelly good too. Supposed to be Feb 7th, 2012.