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d21lewis said:
I predicted a 93 a while back. I stand by that prediction. It has nothing to do with the quality of the game and everything to do with expectations. Some reviewers simply want to be totally blown away and not get what they expect. Gears, LBP, Uncharted, and a few others are offering incredibly polished versions of newer games in their respective series. This is actually what many of us want but some reviewers aren't seeing it that way. They only see "more of the same".

Batman seems to have really reinvented itself, to a degree. That's why it's getting the scores that it's getting (and it blows away all expectations) but how often can this be done and done right? Still, I'm getting U3 on day 1 (just like I did with Gears and Batman and will do with Dance Central 2) and I will love it regardless of where its score falls.

Surely Batman:AC is doing what Uncharted 2 did. 2nd game in the franchise stepped things up from the first game in every way in the opinions of most reviewers.

I too am expecting a 92-93 for Uncharted 3, so 94 is high to me. I think U3 will be beter than U2, and not just in visuals. So my view that U3 will meta lower than U2 isn't about which game I think will be better but about what I think the review reaction will be: i.e. not enough of a step up to warrant the same accolades as what U2 got.

What really matters though is whether the franchise expands its audience, and I hope it does that.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix