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FFVIII (8) was my followed by 10, 12, 13, 10-2, 7, 9....

8 has the best story, but most of it is told through background events and sidequests that you really have to pay attention too...not nearly as straight forward as 7 or 9 for example.

12 is like playing an MMO, but better.

10 is just awesome, a true work of art.

10-2 starts out silly but picks up and EASILY EASILY EASILY has the best combat system of any FF game, its AAAAAWWEEEESOME - it also has like 6 alternate endings and a perfect 100% ending that can only be achieved by playing through the game multiple times with NEW GAME PLUS....i put over 400 hours into that game. ...In fact it is easily the most under appreciated game of all time

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"