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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Bingoo said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Bingoo said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Bingoo said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:

 making your judgements on little factual evidence makes you look bad, you may not like the Wii, but saying that no one plays the Wii is fales, and saying that third party games don't sell on Wii is also false


What judgements did i make besides my opinion? I NEVER SAID NO ONE PLAYS IT!

No i didnt say they dont sell, they do however sell poorly, if you want me to show you the charts i will, but it should be clearly clear that few 3rd partys have had even decent success.

 There has been more success on the Wii than the PS3, and you stated that the article title was true, so you did say that no one plays it

Knowtice the word "little" next to the word "true"????

Also it should have more success with twice the userbase

 Doesn't matter if its a little you still agreed with it, and its false so you are wrong


Also siz of userbase is irrelevant, Sony screwed up, so their userbase is smaller, however third parties do sell on Wii 

Your logic is rediculas, it is a little true, 3rd party games are not really getting played, which makes it a little true. Everything will most likely have a little truth to it. Also this article is completely false based on your opinion, and your opinion is not fact, nor is mine, so im done argueing with you.

No size is completely relevant, even if wii is dominating sales and has a huge fanbase, this only proves it can barely outsell software on a much smaller based console.

Yes they do, but very little.

 Again on Wii third parites are having more success than on PS3, so it isnt on Wii that they aren't being played

Nope its software sales are much higher, it just has more quality software to fuel its sales, but sales are still higher even on third party 

You logic is flawed 

You did nothing to point out that i was wrong with the first party, cause guess right i was right.

LOL whatever, im not argueing with a person with that stuff in their sig.

If it has a bigger fanbase it should have more sales.........just wow

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!