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RolStoppable said:
Bingoo said:

Sqr it would appear you have no idea what we are talking about. My opinion is data, because it is in fact my opinion if i can like my wii or not, or prefer it to other consoles.

Attach rates do absolutley NOTHING to prove if i like the wii or not. I have no idea what so ever where your logic is because im not talking about attach rates (which could be argued since most are nintendo games) im talking about whether im a troll or not because i said i prefer another console to another.

Cant even post a opinion on this site at this point

Why are you using a sockpuppet account? I had respect for you, really. There are several things that indicate who you really are:

  1. You haven't logged in with your original account since you created your sockpuppet account.
  2. The way you spell "ridiculous".
  3. You don't use apostrophes and within a sentence you don't use capital letters.

Everyone is allowed to state their opinion in this forum, but if you make claims about sales numbers and attach rates and the like, you should make sure that the facts support your point without cherrypicking numbers.

Stop using this sockpuppet account and use your real one, Lost tears of Kain.

You could have just asked, ive told who i am in quite a few posts, if i could log onto my real account i would but no matter what i do it says invalid password, and frankly at this point i dont give a danm, i barely come on here anyways.

You want me to go through all the trouble to find evidence that 3rd party games generally dont do so hot on the wii? Comon please its well known

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!