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Bingoo said:
Sqrl said:
Bingoo said:

No size is completely relevant, even if wii is dominating sales and has a huge fanbase, this only proves it can barely outsell software on a much smaller based console.

Yes they do, but very little.

The attach ratio figures presented earlier are calculated as follows:

[software for console sold] / [total consoles sold to consumers] = [console attach ratio]


The PS3 was outsold more than 2:1 by the Wii in a straight software volume comparison.

once again 3rd party sqrl im not stating that again

First of all people play games on their console, they don't say "Hmm let me pull out my 1st party games". They play their games period. So 3rd party vs 1st is irrelevant for a discussion about whether people play their Wii or not.

How third parties are doing is a completely different debate that has been had on this site many times before, but I will address it despite it being off topic.


Show me a 3rd party game that deserved more success than it got.

If companies make a crappy product, fail to advertise, or just don't attempt to make games at all then whose fault is it that they sell poorly?


Honestly you're grasping at straws now like most people do. Nobody is saying the 3rd party situation is a rosey picture of sunshine at the moment but this idea that somehow it is a money pit are completely unfounded. Good third party games that were advertised well have done well (see RE4, GH3, etc..). But there will always be the next thing people find wrong with how its performing, it works the same way with the PS3 and 360 as well and people always find stuff to nitpick. Its nothing new.


To Each Man, Responsibility