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This is because Canada's Government has always made business its priority. When it comes to Canadian Politics the two main parties that have been in charge (Liberals/Conservatives) have both seen business as one of the biggest priorities to Canadian success. I wouldn't say our regulations are that low.

But the Government grants billions in grants each year to new businesses. They also give huge tax incentives to small businesses and those incentives grow if the company hires more employees and expands operations.

Canada has always sought to attract business from the outside world as well as make the country a breeding ground for companies in multiple industries. Many initiatives such as the CRTC make film and music very profitable if started in Canada. Mainly because by law Canadian radio stations and television stations have to play a certain amount of Canadian content to be on the air in Canada. This means that Canadian products need to be created and thus new companies and international companies have to set up shop in Canada in order to operate here.

While Canada has allowed tons of international corporations to move in, they still try hard to protect the smaller companies and give them an opportunity to take on the larger chains. I don't know if the US has similar policies? Example I want to start a new company and sell a new product I can apply for a grant from the Government to get me started. Then the Government will help me with taxes and such until my company is a huge success or goes down in flames.



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer