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yo_john117 said:
Pyro as Bill said:
yo_john117 said:
A game is a game....that's all there is to it.

No. It isn't.

A ball is a toy. Football is a game.

I don't disagree with that but as far as videoGAMES are concerned I am right.

But they're not videoGAMES they're videoTOYS. Only games are videogames.

Take Batman AA for example. It's an action figure. Yes you get the modern day equivalent of a cardboard environment to immerse Bats in but it's a toy, not a game. Minecraft isn't a game yet, it's still a toy. Before videotoys it would have been called Lego or a Doll's House. Not games. Toys.

Video'games' have allowed developers to combine action figures with the cartoon show/low budget B-movie and call it a game. It's not, it's a toy with a story. Toy's with stories aren't games regardless of what we call them. Videotoys killed real life toys in a similar way to how videogames killed many games.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!