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Michael-5 said:
Xerofortune said:
Michael-5 said:
Xerofortune said:
Michael-5 said:
Xerofortune said:
Michael-5 said:

And he says bias is the reason why Forza has higher ratings over GT, when GT is the more established franchise. LOL

Some people just need to compensate for

Please tell me why the F you keep saying that I CLEARLY havent done/ doesn't possess something. I don't know you, you don't know me and will never meet me, so stop saying what I have and have not done.


Plus, I just wanted to add that in order for gt5 review scores to be higher than forza, the advertising budget has to be higher, so don't expect gt to get rave reviews ANYtime in the future. While this is true, some games do infact deserve the scores they recieve, just not most.

So you report someone else for being rude, and you curse at me as well?

Relax man. Your lacking Forza in your life, it's okay.

As for advertizing affecting scores? I'm fairly certain GT5 got a good amount of advertizing too, and since when does marketing affect quality? You're looking for excuses now.

Why did old GT's score much higher then GT5? GT4 had a smaller advertizing budget.

that wasnt cursing at you, i was not directing an insult at you, just at the subject. He on the otherhand, insulted me personally.

Just because you didn't finish the word, doesn't mean you weren't swearing (cursing) at me.

Other guy was just being rude. He won't get banned because it's not against forum rules to be rude. I could tell someone they sound like a jackass all I please, so long as they sound like jackasses and I'm not just saying it to harass them.

He said "You sound like a complete biased moron." He didn't call you a moron, he was pointing out that the response you made, made you sound like one. It's rude, but it's not as bad as you make it out to be, and in all fairness the comment you made was done purly to insulting Forza fans (Forza a rice burner compared to GT5 a Lotus?), and it's pretty biased.

You should play both games before you start to make offensive comments towards other users, or the franchise. You clearly haven't played Forza 4, so you have no ground to say weather or not Forza 4 is a better SIM then GT5. Also I've watched many Forza 4 reviews, most say the simulation component in Forza 4 is really well done, many say it's the best they have ever seen, and I don't think I read any which directly compared GT5 to Forza. So reviews are still hinting that Forza 4 is the best sim.

Regardless, many people debating here, speak from actually playing the games. I've put in around 50 hours into GT5, and 60-80 in Forza 3. I've also put in hundreds into older GT's and Forza's, and I've raced on a track before, and plan to get a racing licence. I also play the game with a steering wheel (something most people here don't). I know when I say Forza 4 is a better sim, I say from personal experience, and the simple matter is I am a cat nut, and have a ridiculous amount of play time into race games.

You have zero experience with Forza 4, and I would bet very limited experience with Forza 3. For all I know you only own a PS3, which would lead me to believe that you have an affinity towards Sony and PD.

It's okay saying you prefer GT5 over Forza 3, but don't say the Forza franchise is essentially garbage compared to GT5, especially when you obviously haven't played much of it. Yes there are features in the game you might not like, but neither game is perfect. If you ever play an endurance race, rewind is appreciated. In real life you would be dead crashing anyway, so the fact you can retry is cheap enough/

Out of curiousity, what level driver are you in GT5?

If you keep on saying clearly I'm going to disregard all of your posts. Please just stop acting like you have goddamn fn telepathic powers. Who said it's garbage? For all I know, you have an affinity towards turn 10 and microsoft. All I know is that 95 percent of reviewers know fk all about what a simulator is. Gt5 was and is a better sim than forza 3, forza 3 and 4 were and are better tuners than Gt5 with better menues. Tuning options don't matter if their not translated into gameplay. Plus, I don't give a damn how non- biased your trying to sound, cause I'm not hiding anything. I've put in 15 hours in Forza 3, and about 10 in Gt5.

I never said "clearly" Dunno what is offending you.

95% of reviewers know ---- all about what a sim is? and you know more? See a professional drivers view on which racer is more realistic, not a lazy game reviewer that won't get off his arse to change the channel.

15 hours into Forza 3 and 10 into GT5? Wow, that's a joke! I put in more time into PGR4 then you have into GT and Forza. I bet you play with a controller too, but you must know exactly how each game simulates despite this.

BTW GT5 and Forza 3 both have their highlights. Neither is uniformly better as a SIM. Had you played the games more then the beginers cup, you would have know that.

walking away now...25 hours, and you think you know everything.

Please just sthu.  Your blind if you can't see what you wrote in your own post. I don't HAVE to play both for 100 hours to immediately notice from the first race that forzas physics arent first rate. Come up with another excuse, or just please, refer to the first sentence.