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MrMafoo said:
madskillz said:

The PS3 offers nothing more, except an HD player built in, that will attract the average gamer. Maybe they will see the PS brand, but Sony has to find a cure or it will not rebound. Look at the numbers. Folks were claiming the PS3 was making the comeback - that will send the 360 packing ... but I don't think selling 12K really is sending someone packing.

You can say what you want - MS isn't perfect, nor am I a 360 fanboy because I see flaws in it too - but I just get a kick out of reading not only your posts, but diehard PS3 supporters who are totally convinced in blind devotion that it's the best thing since slice bread.

A few flaws in this.

1. It's 13K, but more importantly, it's 10%. This week the PS3 sold 10% more. Let's see where that number goes. If that number keeps growing (and it has grown), the 360 is in trouble.

2. You are a fanboy, just not of the 360. You are VERY pro MS. You have made clams that MS has never made a mistake that was not minor... no one other than an MS Fanboy would ever make that clam.

3. Ok, yet again I have to say this (and I think I have said it to you before). In reference to the part of your post I bolded. Exclusive content sell consoles. Period. If you think all the PS3 brings to someone living room that the 360 does not is an HD player, you miss the point of why anyone buys one console over another all together. Let's say this together three time shall we?

Exclusive content sell consoles.

Exclusive content sell consoles.

Exclusive content sell consoles.

There, let's hope you never forget that, and not say something as ridiculous as you just claimed. (the PS3 offers nothing over the 360 other than an HD player).

I mean, if that were true, I wouldn't own both of them.

Edit: I updated it just a bit. And to drive my point home, what HD player should someone buy right now? I mean the Blu-Ray and HD-DVD when looked at from a hardware perspective are the same. Both play the same quality movies, why buy one over the other? Oh yea, Exclusive content.

 If exclusive content sells consoles, well then I guess the 360 is looking pretty good since it just about OWNS the PS3 in that category. Even with GTAIV it has "more exclusive content".

On topic: it would be good for MS to have a $100 price cut just before GTAIV comes out, but I think they'll probably do a $70 or $80 cut to bring the premium down to the $270/$280-ish area. Maybe a $100 cut on the elite price?

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"