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Nice table. An order by release date would be interesting, to see whether sales are trending up or down (I'd guess down going into the holidays).

TBH I don't really feel either Kinect nor Move have really done that well at the moment, and in fact with interest in the Wii dipping rapidly I can't help feeling Sony and MS got their "Wii too" stuff to market just when interest was fading rather than continuing to peak.

Some decent sales for a few games but most are very low, scores are low, and quality has obviously been an issue. Move has the same problems but with even less to distinguish it so far. Recent titles have definitely launched weakly as well (Eden, Gunstringer, etc).

I'm going to be very curious to see if Kinect can re-ignite for the holidays or whether it will get caught in what feels like a general shift away from such stuff back to more traditional gaming titles and control schemes.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...