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Wonktonodi said:
Baalzamon said:
I am still thoroughly pissed at why every single game, people get all super suspicious on hatmoza for acting scummy, when he acts the same god damned way in every single game.

For crying out loud guys, stop voting the guy out for acting scummy. He is a damned near genius and an extreme benefit towards the town in this game.

He really wasn't that much of a benefit. He through around who he was suspicious of too much and didn't get any scum lynched, heck he never even got a lynch train going on scum and his inpatience and voting for radish early the final day helped doom you guy. Since we could have quickhammered radish as well.

He should have known better with no scum dead and only 3 votes needed to lynch to be very causious.

Well, when it comes down to it, we already knew who town were and who scum were. Even if you won, it was nothing but a string of abilities that made you win in a very tiny game. Just like us town, baalz, ToS and I had to put no effort into figuring everyone one out. That's why this game left absolutely no impression on me. It was kid's play. To gloat about it is pathetic. Thus why I'm being so sarcastic about being a King or God. No one should be crying "skill" in this game.

It was fun nonetheless, but I don't think it challenged anyone to think outside the box ... which is why I trolled the fuck out of prof in the dead thread. It's overkill the amount of unnecessary thought he put in the game.

I figured out Radish was not F-F  scum buddy, and it was you but it was too late. I wanted to say something to Radish about unvoting me but he wasn't online. To be truthful, I was trying to postpone my or his lynch and await his return by stalling everyone with my suggestion of F-F roleclaiming. But he never came back online. I waited for at least two hours. The moment I would see him back online was the moment I was gonna scream "quick unvote me and I'll unvote you before we get hammered!"

And I guess that can be an answer to you Linkz. I will always hate Radish, not because of his vote, not because I blame him, but because no matter how many times I play with him he always find a way to screw me over. He's like the clumsy detective from the pink panther, the  mistakes are unintentional, and probably unnoticeable to him, but they always fuck something up..

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson