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RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:

In case you havent heard....Japan is now the 3rd largest gaming territory now, behind NA and Europe. Give me facts that say NA and Europe are supporting the PSP more then the DS and then talk to me. 

But even with your reasoning, it doesnt trump the basics of my argument. DS has more total games. DS has more quality games.  Higher market share leads to higher developer support.

The early and middle parts of the gen favoured the DS. Now, when the DS has a successor and the PSP is about to have one......some developers in Japan only mind you, are supporting the PSP more. Such late game developments never amount to much in the end, especially if its just localized to Japan and not NA/Europe. 

The majority of important handheld games have come out of Japan, so what Japanese third parties do is significantly more important than what American and European developers combined do.

The higher market share of the DS didn't help it to maintain its support. That's why the 3DS's headstart is in no way a guarantee that it has locked down third party support.

I could also throw the Wii into the mix which proved more than anything else that higher market share doesn't necessarily lead to better developer support.

Nono you aint throwing this off topic with the Wii, I am talking PSP vs DS, dedicated game machines in the handheld sector to prove a point about 3DS vs PS Vita. Keep this simple. 

Look I see your point, but this late gen resurgence of the PSP, again only in Japan (and I think you have an overinflated opinion of Japans importance over NA and Europe) aint amounting to much in the grand scheme of things. 

If you were right the DS wouldn't factually have more games and more quality games then the PSP. Again, any resurgence this late in the game won't change the DS superiority all the majority years before.......globally mind you, not just in Japan. 

I don't see how this can be explained any better. 

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