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Still no flavor. Sleep has not come, and sleep will not come soon either. I must be heading out again, but I figure I should end the suspense.

* Mafia Wins *

Mafia thread: I'm sure I'll get some questions for it, but mafia were allowed to talk during the day. They didn't take much advantage of it though. Nothing day one. I ruined their plans day two with my hastiness. And Wonk set the precedence for a quickhammer day three in-thread anyway.

Dead thread: Lots of hard feelings within.

Only regrets I have are:
not recognizing FF could use his janitor day one and then failing on a promise to check with him and not having it activate day two. Didn't really matter in the end though.
Having the 9th Man be a full rolecop instead of a flavor cop, though again it made no difference.

Baalzamon Santa Town Jailkeeper
Radishhead Jumpy Town Oracle
Final-Fan Ace Mafia Jack(RB, Janitor, Paralyze, Ninja)
TruckOSaurus Seven Town Amnesiac/Detective
Wonk  9th Man Mafia Rolecop
hatmoza June Town Princess and Oracle Enabler
Vetteman94 Snake Town Commuter
Silver-Tiger Clover Town Vengeful DayVig
Hephaestos Lotus Town Dancer
theprof00 Allice BP Hated Survivor

Flavor and awards to come likely tomorrow.