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RolStoppable said:
I find the series vastly overrated, just like Dragon Quest. Both of these JRPG juggernauts are usually filled with stuff that only serves to annoy the player. There are many smaller series that are much more fun to play, but anyway. A quick overview:

FF I - It's actually quite good, probably because it is so basic instead of a convoluted mess like many of the following titles are. You can get lost or don't know where to go at all though and it gets repetitive, because the whole game is pretty much only fighting monsters, buying better equipment, rinse and repeat.

FF II - The level up system in this game is broken beyond belief. It's recommended that you attack your own party members. Don't bother with this one.

FF III - A game with insane difficulty spikes. The whole thing seems unpolished, the in this game introduced job system is the opposite of motivating. When this game isn't frustrating, it's boring. Skip it.

FF IV - One of the better ones, more focused on story than the previous three games. This one might actually be a good start, because it's not overwhelming with choices as your party is predetermined for most of the game. The boss fights might piss you off though, because they often require one specific strategy and anything else won't work.

FF V - This one brings the job system back, but in an improved form. You can combine the skills of a pair of jobs which is at least something. Worth looking into.

FF VI - Way overrated, it really isn't much better than IV, if at all. The game offers more than a dozen characters, but aside from their special skill, they can all be built identical. Still though, any of the three SNES games is worth playing.

FF VII - Pretty much the same as VI, but this time characters differ only in their limit moves. Since those can only be activated rarely, the characters are even more alike. You could call it a casualized version of Final Fantasy, because the active party size has been reduced to three which makes battles easier to manage.

FF VIII - The modern Final Fantasy II. Level up system, magic, guardian forces, everything broken beyond belief. Stay away.

FF IX - A return to a more classic setup, now with four active party members again. Instead of a job system, all characters are put in distinct classes from the start. This gives everyone more personality than in the previous four games, because it's not just story stuff that differentiates the party members. If the loading times weren't so awful, this would be hands down the best Final Fantasy. As it is, it is just the best Final Fantasy.

FF X - Introduces a new level up system. I can't say that I liked it, but it at least works unlike the experiments from II and VIII. If you are more the guy who wants nice graphics, then start with this one.

FF X-2 - I liked this one much better than X, but in hindsight the entire story is an annoyance. The gameplay rocks though and the job system known from III and V is actually well integrated for a change.

FF XI - MMORPG. Nobody gives a damn.

FF XII - It explains to you that you need to push the left analog stick to move your character. I guess it's worth a look if you think of yourself as an idiot.

FF XIII - Like XI, I haven't played this one yet. But since it's such a recent one, you've read enough about it already anyway.

You're Ovverated.

Every Final Fantasy game was great except for a certain few.