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MasterVG71782 said:
twesterm said:

I watched the first few videos and that guy just simply must have been a tester on that game or played it non-stop since release. It's definitely not unfeasible to know every trick the game throws at you, but that would require A LOT of time with the game.

Since I doubt someone could really learn everything that quickly about the game even if it had been out for a month, he must have been a tester for From Software.  Nonetheless, still an awesome feat.  By the time he's at the 12 minute mark he's already way past my four or so hours of play.

He's most likely Japanese. and we know how skilled they can be :P

In all seriousness, there are probably people who have beaten the game 10 times by now. The guy might've ate, slept and breathed Dark Souls in the one month it was out, so I would think it's possible without being a tester. I guess when you play through as many times as he probably has, you start to memorize things and patterns.

There are plenty of people that have beaten the game a few times now (a coworker has already beaten it twice) but that guy knows the best solution to everything.  You really only get that kind of comfortable with the game by spending months and months with it, or, eight hours a day for a good year or so.

I'm not trying to belittle his accomplishment at all, that's kind of awe-inspiring to watch that, but I would just be willing to be he was a tester for that game.