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RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:

My argument is that the early release of the 3DS (and higher market share) will lead to higher developer support. You claimed this to not be the case.

I countered with the fact that the DS has more total games then the PSP, thus proving you wrong.

You backed up and cited that in shvelware yes, but not in quality games.

I countered by actually counting the number of quality games on each platform. The DS clearly had more quality games then the PSP.

The data I gave you was directly from the Metcritic is THERE FOR YOU TO SEE. 

Where as all you can bring to the table is a PSP resurgence in Japan in 2011. Great job buddy, using the PSP performance in ONE territory in ONE year. My logic follows the developers supporting the DS GLOBALLY since 2005 till 2010. Hell even outside Japan I think more DS games get released then PSP games this year. 

The PSP resurgence started in 2009, so that's actually three years and Japan is by far the most important territory, because the majority of quality handheld games comes from there. If you look at Metacritic numbers per year instead of lifetime, you would probably see that the DS numbers decrease from 2009 onwards while they stay flat or increase for the PSP. This is something that shouldn't be happening, if the statement "higher market share leads to better third party support" holds true.

If the DS, the bestselling handheld of all time, can lose developer support to a direct competitor, then it's reasonable to suggest that 3DS third party support isn't safe either. Basic rules of economics don't mean much when the industry has proven that it is willing to act against those.

In case you havent heard....Japan is now the 3rd largest gaming territory now, behind NA and Europe. Give me facts that say NA and Europe are supporting the PSP more then the DS and then talk to me. 

But even with your reasoning, it doesnt trump the basics of my argument. DS has more total games. DS has more quality games.  Higher market share leads to higher developer support.

The early and middle parts of the gen favoured the DS. Now, when the DS has a successor and the PSP is about to have one......some developers in Japan only mind you, are supporting the PSP more. Such late game developments never amount to much in the end, especially if its just localized to Japan and not NA/Europe. 

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