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yea those are going to be very interesting adjustments. you know the one thing i've noticed (or maybe i don't stay in the sells thread long enough and with the exception of today)is that not one Sony fan in resent wks to my knoleged has said anything about adjustments for PS3.

considering last yr you heard it being said every wk. but really there was something very off about vgc PS3 numbers but i let it go because it was the americas but for some strange reason i don't think vcg will be up todate on sells for the rest of this yr.

I stopped saying this because vgcharters were saying I was annoying .

Americas and Japan is the most accurate region here in VGC... so the EMEAA is the real problem... if Americas was under I can't say how much EMEAA is too.

The price cut effect for PS3 is GREAT... different from what everyone thought in the past weeks because of wrong numbers .