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KylieDog said:
Well I just beat Dragon age II.

Overall a major disappointment, RPG elements too dumbed down, especially for companions. I really wasn't feeling the story either, DA Origins was all and all epic, the very begining battle as Ostagar i Origins was more epic than anything that happened in all of DA2 and that was nothing compared to othr parts of the game.

The re-use of dungeons in DA2 was also a major bore factor. As as the 'world'. Origins was just much more interesting. Oh and the characters just not very intersting in DA2 either.

Best it of DA2 was the very end when telling you about the world events and with little teasers about DA3 and hinting at the Warden being a story point. I'm hoping in DA3 you play as the Warden again and Hawke maybe a companion.

I thought the same thing, it was a big disappontment for me, storyline was nowhere near as good as Origins and the reuse of environments was really annoying.  I was hoping that they would focus on the deicision with Morrigan at the end of Origins, instead it was barely hinted at