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NYANKS said:
atma998 said:
thismeintiel said:
atma998 said:
Yakuzaice said:
atma998 said:

So why wasting your time on this site if you don't believe their numbers? lol All these ''PS2 is undertracked on VGC'' makes me laugh.

Reality is DS outsold PS2 LTD and it tooks less than 6 years to do so. So in the end, yes, DS is the best selling console of all time, like it or not.

It's still one of the better places to discuss sales, and they usually get the numbers right eventually.  Usually...

I guess in your reality, the DS had sold 100k more in the Americas last quarter than it had shipped.  After all, VGC said it so it must be true.  Also about 735 million units of PS2 software are still on store shelves because VGC hasn't tracked them.  It's just kind of funny.  The DS should probably get the record eventually.  I don't see why you need to use blatantly incorrect numbers unless you're worried the DS won't ever manage to beat the PS2.

No one spoke about software here cause we all know software are not all tracked contrary to hardware. Also lol about being worried DS won't ever beat PS2 numbers, I don't see how it can happens unless the DS has negative sales from now on...

Like I said before, some people here just hate to see Nintendo on top

The thing about the DS and the PS2 is that both of them are on their way out, so stores are not going to be keeping much in extra stock.  In all likelihood, there are probably more DSs on shelves than there are PS2s.  And the latest shipment data we have has the PS2 at 152.3 million and the DS at 147.86 million.  That is pretty close, however, the PS2 only shipped 40K less than the DS for the Apr-June quarter.  So, there may actually be a chance that the PS2 is going to remain the top selling console of all time, since I still see it sticking around for quite awhile longer.  The DS, on the other hand, is probably going to slowly drop below the PS2's sales as Nintendo starts to push the 3DS even more, maybe even taking it off of shelves in 2012.

The thing is there is way more PS2 on shelves than DS considering their main market at the moment are emergent countries where they are plenty of PS2s. Also, you say DS won't sell anymore because of the 3DS release but what you ignore is the fact that the PS2 sold a lot of million units after the PS3's launch and so did the GBA avec the DS launch.

One more thing, DS is actually selling 2-3 times what PS2 is selling on a weekly basis and this number will grow even more during the holidays.

Point still stands, DS is not way ahead like you claim, it is behind a bit in all likelihood.  It's curious why you mind so much when it's so close anyway.  They're both on the wayo out, let's just check again in a few months, when they're more dead and see what happens.

Ok lets keep it simple, you claim PS2 is still ahead of DS without any proof to back you up, except shipping numbers, and I say that according to VCG numbers DS outsold PS2 long time ago (units sold to consumers).

Anyway the fact that it tooks nearly half the time for DS to achieve PS2 LTD sales says a lot about which system is the best selling and knowing that the 3DS is selling at the same pace (so far) as DS prove at least that it is plain ridiculous to claim that 3DS is doomed at the moment. That's all.