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If anything, it's Radish "neither me or ST deserves a lynch attitude" is what's bugging me. On a personal level anyway. It's off because that's a stance I used to play as scum. I would act so pro-town that I would go as far as to defend the towns even in my final moments to sway a lynch away from me. That attitude got me far in mafia. It is not that Radish is being too genuine to be mafia, it is that he is actually playing pretty normally for the first time I can remember which is giving me this odd feeling he's scum.

ST on the other hand is not helping his current predicament. I hate that he's giving such a weak defense. Even though I believe he's town, he's not sticking up for himself. So I'm gonna have to butt in to try and at least prevent his lynch. While simultaneously set up F-F's lynch tomorrow.

Yes F-F, there's no doubt in my mind your scum.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson