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Great thread! I hadn't seen it when you first made it!

I've been playing LoL for I'd say 6 months now and I really like it! It's the first game I play for so long. I really am not addicted but I like to play a couple of games per day.

I reached level 30 playing Warwick and Warwick alone l0l  I just loved him so much and I didn't want to try any other champions. My friend then convinced me to try some other champs and I fell in love...

That brings me to the amazing and absolutely OP Soraka! Yes, Soraka. I probably have something like a 8/1 win/lose ratio with Soraka.

I haven't played Warwick since (the nerf also frustrated me).

I play Singed in Twisted Treeline. I also believe Singed is a bit too powerful end game but that's why he's so nice!

So my fav is Soraka and then Singed.

I'm not a fan of Dominion but when I make a game I play with Kassadin.