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Kasz216 said:
It's worth noting that the reason Democrats don't scare away their own base is because they won't go.

I mean, you guys are mentioning the Occupy Wallstreet movement who is pissed that Wallstreet got bailed out, right.

Largely anti-republican, blaming them group mostly, what with them allowing democrats to show up and booing away fox news.

Even though two thirds of Republicans voted AGAINST the Wallstreet bailouts at first and some were only converted to the Democrats side after the Stock Market dropped 700 points, Democrats kept saying "Wallstreet IS Mainstreet" and in general the news sites were hammering republicans for NOT bailout wallstreet because "Anyone with any sense should know it needs to happen or regular people will suffer."

This is something I don't understand some of the Democratic base gets treated poorly by their leaders and yet they stay. Somehow the media is able to get the people to believe that the majority of Republicans were for the bailouts, when it was mostly the Democratic leaders in government pushing for it, and of course Bush went right a long with it. Bush was seen as the leader of the Republicans a the time so just by what he did it made many Americans believe the Republicans were behind the bailouts and Democrats didn't have much to do with it.

Also one thing that really irritates me is how a African American Conservative Republican gets blasted by the left. Look at what happened to Clarence Thomas. Now look at Herman Cain. They are called all sorts of names like "Oreo", Sellout, traitor, ect. It amazes me what kind of talk is used on the left, and yet their supporters don't question the democratic party's leadership at all. Republicans and conservative types seem to get blamed all the time for "racism" when it appears much of that comes from some of the political liberals.