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Lostplanet22 said:
kingofwale said:

one of the most senseless protests of all time, no fixed agenda or goal, no organizations, no plan going forward.

people cry about police brutality, why not go to a third world countries and actually learn what the word means. the same goes for 'poverty in US', most second or third world people simply laugh at us for claiming so, this is even factoring in PPP (if you don't know what PPP is, you shouldn't be making such claims)

What does PPP mean anyway when USA has the highest percentage of people living in poverty of ALL Western developped countries (yes worse than bankrupt Greece).   More than 16% or 1 on every 6 citizens live in poverty and the number is still growing and is expected to be close to 20% in 2014-2015.  Around 15 million children in USA don't know if they will get a decent meal today and you come up with something like PPP ...that's ridiculous;.

You do know that poverty is subjectivly chosen based on GDP and PPP right?

So such numbers are somewhat off in that arguement.

To use an exaggeration example to show the point...

In a society where everything cost the same as it does in the US and every citizen makes 8,000 a year... there would be no poverty.