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HappySqurriel said:

We live in a society where a small portion of the population puts in the work to develop the necessary skills, takes the risks and makes the personal sacrifices to build what is necessary and desired in the economy. Why should we have equality of outcomes when people are so unwilling to share the effort that is required to provide those outcomes?

This is a concept that is fairly commonly taught to children and they seem to be able to understand, but after years in "public" education and liberal universities the lesson has been lost; so I will re-teach it with the same story that was used when I was a child.

I completely agree with Happy Squrriel, however notice he does not say humans should be treated like animals. He simply says someone doing less work and who is contributing less to society doesn't deserve to get the same wages as those who contribute more. I am unemployed and don't expect to get the income of someone employed full time, I have a mental disability which disadvantages me. However even I try to find work and am constantly contributing society by volunteering and donating as much as I can.

Fact is as Happy Squrriel says later all humans deserve the basics. No they don't deserve equal treatment as those who contribute far more to society. But every single person deserves the opportunity to succeed. No citizen should die in a country that generates so much income especially those that contribute to society.

Now I think the social services system should make volunteering mandatory. Every citizen getting a check should be contributing to society. If that means logging at least ten hours of volunteer work a week that would be sufficient for enough money to survive. Maybe drug testing should be mandatory to prove your not going to spend your welfare check illegally on a habit that will only burden society. If the person has a drug problem they have to seek treatment before they can apply again.

In the end all humans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Those who contribute more to society should benefit more from society. All citizens should contribute to society in some way, in fact those welfare dollars are pumped straight back into businesses which in turn ends up right back in the economy feeding those who worked so hard.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer