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StokedUp said:
What do I do now I've retrieved the lord vessel? Shall I speak to the snake dude in FIRELINK CHAMBER? Or shall I go to the tomb of giants to go through that light at the bottom? Also when do you head back to the UNDEAD ASYLUM and how do you offer gifts to snuggly the crow??

if you received the lord vessel, you can talk to the snake in firelink, BUT you can also avoid the snake completely, and visit New Londo Ruins first. youll eventually find the 'Second Snake' after beating FOUR KINGS. (Difference: You'll be able to join Darkwraith)

@tombs: after receiving the vessel, the door in the Tombs will allow you to fight Nito. (If you want to, you eventually have to.)

@Asylum: As soon as you have the shortcut from undead burg to Firelink, you can revisit the asylum. Snuggly will sit on a legde near the Birds Nest, and you can trade items by just dropping (Discarding) them from your inventory into his Nest.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!