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luvtospooge said:
Oh fuck me. I have to fight this discharge thing with absolutely no good equips since almost all of them are broken. And there's no town nearby...What the shit man!

There's an easy strategy to kill discharge. might be ruining the fight though.



So, if you wanna get a freekill on him, hide in that passageway that is right after the stairs up (to your right). when he is in front of it, he will try to hit you, if you see that he'll attack, run (or roll) around the corner, that way, he should miss. run back into the passage, and hit his... arm? still laying in the passage. then stay there until he hits again, and evade by running around the corner. rinse and repeat.



@Player:  Never approached the hydra any different, so i cant tell if you can just roll away (Since there are 9 Heads attacking you at once, it might be hard - you'd have to try it out) but even without shitloads of Defense, you should be able to block most of the damage by guarding with a shield. and as i said, when the first heads are off, he'll eventually miss you, dealing no damage at all. the real challenge is reaching the heads stuck in the ground before he pulls them out again.-

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!