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Kantor said:

Global warming isn't fear or panic. It's legitimate worry about a real (though overblown) problem.

yeah i'm talking about the overblown part

as years go on,our technology will itself take care of it.


Science is, indeed, about the chase of more knowledge, either until the end of humanity or until we discover everything (which will probably never happen).

which is wrong,scienc is supposed to be about helping humanity not chase of knowledge

that is what creates problem

people blind about science just go on chasing tech and people blind about GOD just go out chasing religion


I'm arguing primarily against the Abrahamic religions here, because together, their followers make up a good half of the world's population.But if you insist, I also don't believe in the idea that a monkey (Hanuman) killed a man with ten heads and set fire to his city as part of a grand plan hatched by a shapeshifting man who, at one point, became an elephant. And yes, I do realise that Hinduism is metaphorical. A literal interpretation of it is even more ridiculous than a literal interpretation of Christianity.

Why don't I believe in it? Because I don't want a god (no matter what his form) who doesn't necessarily exist to instruct me on the moral way to live my life. I would say setting fire to an entire city is pretty immoral, but the Ramayana seems fine with that.

so why not Buddhism,it has no GOD.

MOST ESTABLISHED scientist believe in pantheism which is Buddhism,sikhism,taoism,setc