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This is what they said about Crysis back in 2008. Needless to say, I had more fun with Duck Hunt on Nintendo than Crysis on my PC.

Graphics in video games are like Michael Bay movies. They will wow the idiots in the audience who will say "That was the best movie evar! Did u see the special effects! Durrrrrr!" Those with half a brain will walk out saying, "Wow that movie sucked. All those special effects and fight scenes did nothing but try and hide the poor story, atrocious character development, and kindergarten movie script."

 Or I could put it another way: Those who worship graphical achievment in video games is like your 35 year old friend who is single does not own a home, yet he has a $8000 dollar computer while you are just married, are paying for a mortgage and are planning for the financing of your future first born's college education.