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Final fantasy 1,2 and 3 so far, I'm on my 4th runthrough of playing all the numbered ones in order

Lara croft and the guardian of light, twice, just because me and my housemate both hold the opinion its the most fun co-op game out there (and we both like TR)

Golden axe (original) quite a few times, again a great 15 min co op for me and my house mate

Nier, cant replay that one enough, so many cool endings and such an emotive story

Nethack (ancient pc dungeon crawler, and SO hard) and its still impossible

Plus I played ar tonelico qoga, tactics ogre 'cling together' and Atelier Totori in english, having already played them in japanese previously. Its been a pretty bad year for new games imo so the old ones make up oiver 80% of my total playing.


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)