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Okay. I'm REALLY getting tired of Destructoid. I just checked out the IGN review (and I refuse to watch/read another until I finish the game) and I could not be more excited for the game. I'm gonna play through Arkham Asylum again, this weekend and then pick up Arkham City on Tuesday after work.

I grabbed AA for PS3 based solely on the Joker DLC. I'll either grab AC for the PS3 OR buy the 360 version of AA (today) and AC (Tuesday). No exclusive DLC changes the whole landscape, doesn't it?

I fully expect this game to be my game of the year and I hope it wins a lot of GotY awards from the media, too. I mean, it's a good game with Batman AND Catwoman in it! Five years ago, if you told me this would happen, I'd have punched you and called you crazy!!