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Ail said:
I can't wait to hear the latest excuses from Iwata when Nintendo reports earnings on October 27th...........

I think he will say this:

1) in July 2011 we sold 114,000 units of the Nintendo 3DS in the United states.

2) In August 2011 after the price cut we sold 235,000 units of the Nintendo 3DS for a 106% increase over the last month making the Nintendo 3DS the second best selling game system in the month of august.

3) In September 2011 we sold 260,000 Nintendo 3DS units for a 10.6% increase over the last month what represents the second month of continuous grow of the Nintendo 3DS.

then I think he will turn to the investors and say:

''Can someone in the audience tell me how can we sell a lot of units of a Nintendo portable that does not have a Mario game or pokemon game? because last time I checked nobody buys a console to see the box, people buy consoles to play games, good games. If someone in the audience can answer this question I will give that person my Job.  For that reason we are going to launch Super Pokemon Rumble in October, Super Mario 3d Land in November  and Mario Kart 7 in December exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.''