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First of all here are the three trailers featuring him:


Expert analysis (Ok I'm not an expert but I know the games well). All names in this are made up by me to describe apparent features:

Phoenix appears to have three transformations/levels of combat.

Investigation Mode: Magnifying Glass over Hyper Meter
-Phoenix can pick up clues in this mode which are used in his Level 3 Hyper Combo
-Phoenix can toss the clues at opponents. This expends the clues, and damage and effect is different depending on the clue thrown.
-Phoenix's basic attacks include bending down to pick up clues and damaging opponents in the process, and sending in Maya for attacks

Cross Examination Mode: Attorney Badge over Hyper Meter
-Phoenix points with his finger, shooting out a wide spray of mid-range beams that hits high, medium, and low.
-He tosses paperwork into the enemy for another mid-range beam
-Walks into enemies while holding documents before slapping them with documents to knock them back
-Attacks with Objection! bubble, which appears to transform him into his final mode.

Cornered Mode: Finger over Hyper Meter
-Music changes to "Cornered" theme from Ace Attorney games, transformation seems triggered by Objection! attack.
-Phoenix's damage increases significantly, and he has an outer glow similar to my avatar.
-Attacks are more-powerful/longer range versions of Cross Examination Mode attacks.
-Phoenix can use Level 3 Hyper Combo in this mode.

Hyper Combos:
- Level 1: Phoenix tosses Maya out who runs across the stage flailing.
- Level 1: Phoenix calls in the Judge who slams down his gavel, damaging Phoenix and his opponent (though the opponent takes much more damage)
- Level 3 (requires Cornered Mode): Phoenix accuses the opponent, presenting all collected evidence at once, and sentences them as guilty.
Note: All Hyper Combos reduce Phoenix back down to Investigation Mode.

-Only visible assist is Phoenix sending Missile across the stage to attack the opponent.