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The Republican party is in the business of disenfranchising potential voters. It isn't a question of dissimilar values as is often the case with the Democratic party. The Republican party is the party of intolerance, and unsubtle bigotry. The reality is a negative agenda as opposed to a positive agenda is only going to discourage voters away, and that is sadly very fucking stupid. Especially when your key demographic is on the decline. I thought this would have actually had a impact on the parties mindset after the Obama landslide.

Instead of reviewing their positions, and trying to moderate their views. They instead opted to become even more extreme in their positions. As if their already polarized base weren't energized during the Obama election cycle. In truth they were Obama was their Anti-Christ. They were terrified by the man, and even with all that traction they still couldn't win that election. The super religiosity, bigoted rhetoric, and anti feminist stance. Is not the way for the party to move forward.

The truth is the Republican party is just doing a better job every year alienating more and more groups. That is just bad business, and prioritizing one demographics agenda so much isn't doing the party any favors. Religiosity is on the decline in this country, and frankly so is bigotry. Playing to a dying breed is like tethering yourself to a sinking ship. The party should have taken a cue to become more secular, and more focused on a fiscal platform. That in the end would have been more healthy and productive.

I think the modern Republican party is just farcical, and frankly it a shadow of better days. I would honestly like for the party to give me pause. Rather then cause me to turn away in disgust. Which would have happened if they had moved away from the evangelical propaganda, and focused on economics, national renewal, or a innovative new foreign doctrine. They had a justification to evolve to become a more dynamic party, and am I the only one that finds himself confused by the fact that the Democratic party that won that election is the only party that has seen fit to actually try courting new demographics.

Bottom line the Republican party needs to think real hard about opening doors rather then closing them, because frankly the Democratic party seems to be expanding its influence. I really would like for my vote to be contested in a meaningful way. The Republican party of forty years ago might have had a good chance at that, but the party of today is just plain toxic.