Michael-5 said:
I think 7th gen console sales will drop earlier in Japan then the rest of the world. I think 2012 is the last year PS3 will have decent sales in Japan. After that PS3/360 sales will be even, regardless of market strategy. The generation will be ending, sales overall will be down. 360 will remain above PS3 until the 8th gen comes out IMO. well i still belive 360 will fall in the EMEAA's. PS3 will be stable in the Amaricas, and the RPG's will carry PS3 through Japan. you'd better watch out for a possible monster hunter on PS3. What PS3 exclusive RPG's have a confirmed 2012 release date in Japan? The Last Guardian is not an RPG. don't need confirmation when you know its going to happen! better yet wht do we kow about next yr in any region? yea few things maybe but the unknown is the only factor that matters. 360 outsells PS3 in Americas for multiple reasons. More appeal to casual gamers (Halo is bigger then Killsone, and FPS's are favored on 360), Kinect appeals to casual gamers, used games are cheaper due to the larger volume, and the exclusives are catered to Americans. I personally like Gears Halo and Forza over any PS3 exclusive. Uncharted and Killzone come 4th and fifth, but I think to most americans/canadian, we rather have Halo. It's also domestic, like PS3 is in Japan, and most good games a multiplatform now days. (Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, etc). i have no idea wht the arguement is here? this is pure fact. Next gen anything can happen. After all Nintendo really rose from the grave this gen. The only thing I can say is MS has defined themselves and it will be another 3 way fight next gen. yep PS4 could do really well, but so can Next-Box and Wii U. It;s anyones game. yep. if the appealing games are there and taste change drasticaly and the innovation is there in games then we will see alot of battles in a gen where the advantages are far and few in between. with MS new studio purchase there first party IP should get a boost. and maybe next gen we'll see more of there ip that we haven't seen. graphics will be off the chartz and unless many deals are done behind closed doors then multiplatform titles won't have any impact on how one console sells cause thats wht happened in the Americas with the 360. graphics are one thing but its the innovation in games that i want to see. without that then all 8th gen consoles will be to me are CPU's without a monitor. now i've said alot of things this gen about when 8th gen consoles should be released. 2020, 2016, and 2014, but the reality is now 2013. theres just no way around it for Sony mainly. MS releasing a yr ahead of Sony again is an action that Sony can't afford. i think googles operating system will be key to Sonys system next gen. well i may be stating the obvious, but hey it still needed to be said. PSN will be unrecognisable next gen and will rival that of XBL cause this is one area thats highly contested. Vitas online features look way better then XBL and PSN, and the google operating system just screams i'm better then the rest. let the os wars begin! |