Michael-5 said:
Michael-5 said:
The thing people on VGC don't ever notice, is that 360 is almost always selling better in the combined EMEAA and Americas region. So far for this year PS3 has sold 820k more units in Japan then 360, but the gap has only grown by 1 million. Even now with the PS3 on a price cut, 360 is outselling PS3 in Americas an EMEAA. true but the balance is total EMEAA and Japan that give Sony there lead every yr for the past 4 yrs.
So to give Seece some credit, I expect in the combined regions outside Japan, for 360 to outsell PS3. For the same reason, because PS3 is the last decent selling 7th gen system in Japan (soon to stop selling well in Japan IMO), I don't expect PS3 to ever match 360 sales WW, unless this is well into the 8th gen. i don't always agree with Seece. and he pisses me off alot! i'm mad at him now for making this thread. if Sony is going to out sell 360 it will take them 3 yrs if Sony continues to have a 1m unit lead going into the holiday season and thats about the only chance Sony has unless the yet to be seen move hardcore games start flying in then we may see a more impressive lead but that deals to much into speculation so i won't go there.
Also I plain just don't agree with you that Move will boost as much hardware as Kinect. Kinect is a more original peripheral, and is selling 5x as well (to unique users) already. Kinect and Move are also very casual targeted peripherals, and lucky for MS casual gamers tend to buy more during the holidays, and Americas is the most strongly affected region by the holidays. very true and the move thing was just a statement not something i believe cause if i did Seece would have quoted me, pissed me off, and i'd likely be band. i'll leave the move arguments to jnul.
Kinect will help MS, but PS3 is $50 cheaper, and all it needs to do, all I think it will do, is match 360 sales WW for Q4 (However EMEAA/Americas will likely favor 360 strongly). Even if PS3 looses any ground this holiday, it won't be much and will be regained in Q1 and Q2 of 2012. i expect them to sell very even. Sonys UC3 bundle, FFXIII-2 bundles, and the blue and red consoles should match the bundles MS have, so i truley don't see any advantage. i think theres one more bundle in Japan that will be the hot ticket in Japan but i'm not sure wht it is.
Have to leave, so I'll make this short
EMEAA total has been pretty balanced most of this gens life, only since the Slim has PS3 gotten a stronghold in EMEAA. Japan is a small region, and Americas is the biggest region. My point was that in general, most of the world prefers 360. So any gap shrinking will be mostly due to Japan. if PS3 dies in Japan, like most 7th gen consoles already have, the gap will no longer shrink. Japan! die? i don't expect much from either market. EMEAA, and Americas. Sony still has RPG's coming out next yr that should still give it great sells in Japan so Japan droping when it continues to get suport isn't going to happen. i don't know wht continues to drive 360 sells in Americas but MS has hit a cord somewhere in Americas thats simply incomprehendable. i will never see why 360 sells so well in Americas even when theres nothing out.
2nd paragraph, I agree, but I think the yearly gap PS3 will have will be under 1 million. Maybe 500k-1 million. So If it happens, and Japan doesn't die early, I say 5-6 years. That is if both consoles can sell large valumes for that long. This is why I don't think PS3 will ever overtake 360. agreed but bringing up something from our last epic conversation is that PS3 if MS does discontinues 360 after 2015 then in the PS3's 10th and final yr in the 7th gen 2016 the PS3 will have won the war which is funny in 2 ways.
one becuase many won't acknowledge it, and sony fans won't say PS3 won the 7th gen. all they'll say is PS3 out sold the 360wii, and then PS3 will do wht PS2 is doing and thats sell in developing markets, and we'll have the same type of arguements we had this gen next gen about this gen.
yea i know real petty isn't it. "hey what happened in the 7th gen? PS3 got is ass handed to it and thats whts going to happen in the 8th gen." and then the same BS that makes many hate this site will flame a new war and i won't be here for that.
The bundles PS3 has in Japan will help PS3 in January and December. This will give PS3 a bit of a lead starting in 2012. For fall 2011, they should sell about the same, but I still think 360 can top PS3 in Novemember/December just because MW3 and Battlefield 3 will be huge on 360, and Final Fantasy won't be big until January. i can agre and disagree which means i'm neutral.