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richardhutnik said:

Are you so personally devoid of values that you have to hold what Russell Simmons believes as the right thing to do, or is it that you happen to believe that businesses should be providing a lot of great opportunities with graduates of cultural antropology, woman's studies or art history?  Or beyond this, is it that you don't believe in universal truth, so the only measure you hold someone to is their own?

What people really believe is usually demonstrated in what they do, not what they say. If you say that it is wrong for corporations to turn profits rather than hire useless people, and are in charge of a highly profitable corporation that is not hiring these useless people, what does that say about your beliefs?


richardhutnik said:

In regards to your first point, it is interesting.  It is very easy for individuals who say what you do regarding the protestors to then blame government for every single thing gone wrong.  When it comes to the financial meltdown, the government gets blamed and golly, NO ONE could of saw that financial collapse and bubble at all.  Those poor hedge fund managers and banks on Wall Street were snookered by the government.  Apparently, the only think that causes the elite to make mistakes is the government.  If it wasn't for the government, golly gee, their leveraging wouldn't of happened.

The banks are not devoid of fault, but the appropriate way to handle their part in the financial crisis is to let them fail ...


richardhutnik said:

What is going on in this thread here, and others, is a total discounting and sweeping under the rug of the middle class being sold out and a system of outright lies to people, that says that college is the ONLY way to get ahead, and individuals who bought into this lie, now finding out it is a lie.  But nope, the system isn't a problem, everyone who fell short is their own fault for doing it... well, unless it is the government, and affects wealthy folks, then golly, don't blame them.  Apparently, personaly responsibility and self-reliance only goes as far as the government isn't involved.

I don't think you're paying close enough attention to what these individuals are saying ...

They aren't upset that they were lied to and received a useless education, they're upset that they will pay for this useless education; and they feel entitled to a high paying job because they received this education. If they were upset about being lied to and getting a useless education they would be protesting for more accountability from the education system.

The "death" of the middle class is more of a suicide than anything else. Those individuals who study useful things (engineering, math, computer science, nursing, pharmacy, the trades, etc.) are mostly doing just fine; but those who go to college because it is an “experience” without thought of a career often find themselves building up massive debts and having few skills for it to make them more valuable employees.

richardhutnik said:

Hey, here is a great idea implemented by Napoleon.  Have protestors and whiny snots like them?  Just break out the cannons and fire on the crowd.  You kill these loser and thin the herd.  Nah, that means you do it.  Best to have liberty produce natural predators instead, so you can go scott free, and not have to listen to them.

How about we do the radical thing and treat them like adults and expect them to take responsibility for their own decisions?