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Level1Death said:
I don't get why people are so caught up in Democrats vs. Republicans. These parties shouldn't exist. All it does is make people more stupid. They're all politicians, they're scandalous and they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. Be like me and hate them all.

this but sadly it means nothing because those that fit the same idiologies would ban together making your staement meanningless but your right.


OT: Republicans have been stupid for yrs so this doesn't surprise me. if everyone that votes for them wouldwake up and see wht there not doing which is nothing then you'd never see one elected.

Actually, i'd say doing nothing is quite preferable to the alternative options being presented currently.

It has a better chance of fixing the economy or at least not making it worse.

More stimulus spending that didn't work and tax cuts that last a year aren't going to change anything except maybe improve thing for about a year at the cost of explosivly raising the national debt.