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Wow how civil of them to treat reporters like that. The more I see of this movement the more I am convinced it is either a massive joke of pseudo-political movement, or a false flag ploy designed to drum up support for Democrats during an election year where futures don't look so optimistic. Is probably both.

You could analyze the absurdity of videos like these for days. What jumped out for me was the sign that said "Tax the rich so the police can keep their job." I honestly have no idea what this is supposed to mean ... is it a) an attempt at bipartisianship with the red/blue colors denoting political parties (if so he got the coloring mixed up since the red/republican should really be for the second half and the blue/liberal should really highlight the "tax the rich" part). b) Argue that we need to increase taxes on the rich to support police (which makes no sense on several levels considering that the police are ususually the last to go in terms of cuts/ect. plus it is rather hillarious that a occupy wallstreet protester would make a sign in support of the police considering the whole backlash and all). or c) I have put far more thought into this than the idiot holding the sign, and it is really just something he is regurgitating from Daily Show or some blog (likely answer).

I love the kid talking about democracy at the end. All I could think of was that great Churchill quote, "The best argument against democracy is a 5 min conversation with the average voter."


P.S.On the bright side it is nice of the Occupy Wallstreet protesters to open up their ranks to minorities ... I counted at least a handful (at most) in the crowd.