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very possible for this to happen i dont think it would even need a price cut b/c there sales in NA are very good lately and this will likely continue during the holidays  w/o a price cut i wouldnt be surprised to see YOY growth in the future NPDs even though most think not b/c of last years remodel and launch of kenict, 300-400k can be overcome on that 1M gap just on BF alone

this will be the first holiday season where we most likely wont see dominance from the Wii, where are all those potential buyers that we had the yrs past going to turn to now?, most likely the two HDs and i believe favoring the 360 more i believe they will have more marketing than sony and a shit load more bundles and added value deals especially if they dont cut the price

just look at the recent I2 ps3 bundle for $299 didnt do nothing for HW or I2 sales alot of people are over hyping that 299 UC3 bundle its not going to be massively produced compared to MS's bundles just look at the HW box art theme its the same it was for the I2. i can still find Gears 3 HW themed bundles to this day, at the time the I2 bundle released i remember it was scarce

we all know MS will bundling 2 games with there 299 package as theyve done every year and i believe with there 199 package this year(idk if they did last yr), what do we got for ps3 you have to shell out at least 299 to get just one game why no SW with there 250 package?  i believe it doesnt really matter what games are being bundled when consumers especially casuals and parents that just want to give a gift a $200 HD console with SW will be more appealing


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