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lestatdark said:

Well, at least Quelaag is challenging xD.

Edit - Defeatd her on my 3rd try. Just had to make sure to take advantage of the entire arena so there was room to move around when she floods the place with lava and then does her OHKO AOE attack.

i've found quite a good way to kill her laughing ^^ .. when she spits fire, run away, but if she melee's,.. move as close to the right side of the spiders head as possible, she wont hit you, all attacks will land on the ground behind you. ^^ and that straight slash wont hit either, since she does it in front of her.

@else: LOL! xD.. i got raped, pretty hard. 2 words, Sen's Fortress. i was like 'HAHA U STUPID TRAPS WONT GET ME! .. and i was like 2 hours in, proceeding with crazy cautiousness.. (I was in front of the Bosses Fog already, but i went back a bit to search for a Bonfire).. and then there was that DAMN Elevator, moving up, coming back, and then moving down. i waited for him to come back from below, stepped onto it, and up we go.. so i thought. there were spikes on the roof! xD.. and i was like WTF?.. but then i noticed that, already beeing on the way back down, they didnt kill me, in fact, they did maybe 200 points of damage. and i smiled like hell, while stepping out on the bottomlevel, and i see that.. treasure chest. and i thought to myself 'Not getting killed by traps, surviving AE Fire damage.. this is my lucky day! Sure, theres an epic weapon in there!'.. and when i opened it, that god damn chest ATE me..

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!