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lestatdark said:
Crystalchild said:
Kamal said:
Crystalchild said:
Kamal said:
Crystalchild said:
Kamal said:
Have fun without me....

huh? explain yourself =D


The small matter of me not getting paid (ASSHOLES)

ah, that sounds nasty.. i could send you the LE guide to study it, saves ya time when dealing with the first areas. *Cough*

Wow, thanks man much appreciated.


aye, actually, thats why the Gaping was a disapointment. i have to admit i got killed the first time, but the pattern is learned after a minute or two, and after that, its a piece of cake.

but i am really scared to look after whats behind that giant gate, since ive ringed the second bell today.. went in there and got my ass handed to me by the two birdheaded guys charging at me. x)

I'm still at the entrance of Blightown, so there's much to do before I can ring the second bell. I killed the Gaping dragon myself at the first time (every boss has been an one time kill except for the gargoyles), so i'm hoping for some challenge (in the boss department) from here on out.

depends on if you find out what to do soon enough. the first one was a dissapointment IMO, but the second one.. well, i stopped trying him.. i died like.. 15 times? ^^  even though this guy can be pretty cheap, but i didnt know how to approach him properly then ^^

but the location itself can be a challenge, its actually Valley of Defilemt 2.0.. though rhe valley was more frustrating, BUT .. i loved it. 1-1 and 5-2 are my favourite locations in Demons Souls.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!