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Kamal said:
Have fun without me....

huh? explain yourself =D


@topic: Have 2 favorite bosses now, sadly, both were quite easy. =(

- Moonlight Butterfly (Free translation from teh leet german language)  and Gaping Dragon. first for atmosphere, second for scale.

but seriously now ppl, whats the easiest way to invade others? Which covenant should i take? I neeeeed to be able to slay players. !


PS: FINALLY exchanged that damn DragonSwordthing.. its fine and all, but everyone has it. (Okay, Meat Cleaver will be popular too, but.. its been nerfed, or, better said, changed into a faster, smaller weapon. but i still love it.)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!