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Mad55 said:
NotStan said:
StokedUp said:
NotStan said:
Taurus killed me 3 times already, thanks bro.

you can actually kill that demon in 3 hits dude! Just head up the ladder thats to right as soon as you enter the area where the 2 archers were. and the demon will stand at the bottom looking up for a few seconds, if you run of the ledge where hes standing and press attack you'll do a stab into his head and it takes about a 3rd of his life, Then dodge his attack and repeat 2 more times.

Didn't work. I wasn't aware the ladder was there the first few times I died, but now that I found it just before you mentioned it - however, as soon as I climbed it, the demon has jumped up there with me.. Not sure if that's the new patch or I was being too slow somehow?

Its not a glitch its a real strategy so I doubt it gets patched out. just do it a bit quicker and it should work.

Yeah I was most likely being too slow - the controls are still a bit clunky to me and not used to them entirely so it takes me a bit of time to line up and jump down on him - and I've only tried that once, but when I did he jumped up at the same time, so we sort of merged mid air then he went up and I went down.

Will just keep trying, but I've just kept farming the area for some souls, and getting my characters level up.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.