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azzer100 said:
I know I'll get called for this but the games mentioned are extremely underwhelming to me. Give me something like Little Big Planet and whatever the ICO team are up to next anyday.

The only improvements that R2, MGS4, GTA4 and DMC4 have over there previous installments is graphics, plain and simple.

Saying all that, these games are going to sell PS3s without question and easily push it into 2nd place, if not by the end of this year then definatly '09.

 Actually, R2 has the whole 60 player online multiplayer, instead of 40, 8 player online co-op rather than no online co-op, 2 campaigns instead of one, new enemies, etc. so to say that its just R:FoM with better graphics is an insult to all the folks over at Insomniac. =(

leo-j said:
This list is old, and is missing over some 20 games.

 its new on IGN, it was posted yesterday. and I hope you aren't referring to the 20 supposedly unnamed exclusives that haven't been confirmed. Most of them are probably not coming out soon.