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evolution_1ne said:
yo_john117 said:
evolution_1ne said:
yo_john117 said:
evolution_1ne said:
yo_john117 said:
evolution_1ne said:
yo_john117 said:

no they don't have an agenda, they're just fucking retarded

"Gran Turismo 5 simply isn't fun. It is too bogged down by precision and realism for the average gamer to embrace"

and I pity anyone who calls themselves fans of racing sims that trust anything these morons have to say

Finally a totally unbiased person to speak the truth

because what I posted was totally made up.....

 here's another

"Gran Turismo 5 is a 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game" lets's play a game of which moron reviewer said that dumb shit

yeah how dare PD make JUST a racing sim......

I know those are quotes from reviews but what you have to take into consideration is when reviewing a game you review the whole entire package not just part of it.

As of right now Forza 4 is a superior racing game than GT5..Every review that i've seen has said that. Sure GT5 may do some things better but as a whole F4 looks to be a step up.

And to be clear I believe GT5 may have slightly better simulation aspects but I am saving my final judgement for when Inside Sim Racer does a comparison between the two and you should too.

to repeat myself:

yeah how dare PD make JUST a racing simulator

To repeat myself. You review a game based on EVERYTHING it contains not pieces of it just so you can appease angry fans.

ok because you don't get it;


I'm saying that's all GT was EVER going to be, in short they knocked it for being something it was never going to be.

and GT5 has the biggest fanbase of any sim of all time, tell me why it would be bad to carter to just these people???

fucking lol it just hit me, maybe if Turn 10 spent it's time catering to the hardcore and only the hardcore like GT they would sell as much as GT and you Forza fans would have a leg to stand on, fucking irony man I tell ya, it can be a crazy sometmes

You really don't seem to understand what I am getting at here. When a review reviews a game they take into consideration everything. Graphics, sound, interface, gameplay, features, length and sometimes even hype (which is unfortunate) A game can have amazing gameplay but if everything else isn't up to par than they will knock points off of the game. GT5 may have been a 10/10 racing sim but everything else about the game was a 5/10 which means the overall game score will get knocked some. 

Now I believe if GT5 would have been named a different game and hadn't been in developement for 5+ years it would have gotten better scores but still in this case it looks like Forza 4 is truly the better game as a whole package and there's nothing wrong with that because 1. It came out later than GT5 and 2. It's pushing GT to be an even better game series.


And BTW Gran Turismo's userbase is far far from just being extreme sim fans. It has in fact a huge casual userbase.