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Andrespetmonkey said:
oldschoolfool said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

I try to eat around 1500 calories per day (instead of 2000) and not eat after 6pm. I work out for about 10 minutes a day aswell, but that hardly loses weight, just keeps my strength up. In the last 3 months I've lost 15 pounds (just over 1 stone), so it's working, not quickly but still working.
What do you or have you done to lose weight? 

you have to work out for way more then 10 min a day. I don't worry about calories,that's just way 2 much work. Just do simple things like drink nothing but water and maybe add a salad and some veggies and fruit to your diet. It's all about portion control for me.

What about diet soda? I'm too lazy to work out any more than that. What I'm doing now is working so I'll just stick with it :p I'm not exactly fat by the way, just a bit overweight, it's not even noticeable if I'm wearing the right clothes.

Diet soda is funny.  It may not have calories but it tricks your body into thinking it does since it's still so sweet.  Try replacing soda with sparkling water or sparkling water with lemon (I prefer original La Croix sparkling water).  Also, I drink a lot of tea everyday.  Both green and black tea do wonders for your body and can, in general, burn about 90 extra calories a day.

I also count calories and it's an excellent slow and steady way to lose weight...until you eventually hit your plateau.  At that point you must exercise.  I started counting calories again and I've lost about 10 pounds in the last month and a half (I'm still doing a 2100 calorie per day diet so slower going) but I'm about at my plateau so I've started adding the Kinect game Your Shape which should hopefully help with that.

So in short-- stop drinking sodas and drink water all day.  That will do wonders for you.  Green tea is awesome for you and sparkling water does quite good at replacing sodas.