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Has anyone heard of them? I got tickets to their concert on February 26th as a Christmas present from my grandmother. My childhood friend also got tickets and is going to the same concert, so we are going to meet up there.

They are a pretty good group, and each of the ladies are talented and quite attractive. I know most of the forum members aren't into classical, contemporary pop, or Celtic music.

From left to right: Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, Lisa Kelly, Órla Fallon, Máiréad Nesbitt, Chloë Agnew, and Hayley Westenra.

The group contains many girls who have either replaced existing members for a short time due to family family time or other concerts. The girls are Chloë (Clow-we) Agnew, Hayley Westenra, Lisa Kelly, Máiréad (Mare-raid) Nesbitt, Méav (Mave) Ní Mhaolchatha, Órla (Oor-la) Fallon as the main singers, but replacement or substitute singers are Deirdre (Dare-drey) Shannon, Lynn Hilary, and Alex Sharpe. The two youngest girls are Chloë and Hayley (Hayley is around my age; she's 20 and will be 21 in March. Chloë is 18). Lisa and Méav aren't in the group for the time being; Lisa is expecting her 3rd child in March and is recording another album while Méav wants to spend more time with family and to record another album. Máiréad doesn't really sing most of the time, but she's the fiddler in the group (you should see her when she performs; she dances on stage) and Órla plays the harp every now and then with songs (but mainly on her own album).

I've been having dreams nonstop about the concert, though. My friend named Oriia (she's German; pronounced Or-rai-ya) went to go see them in concert back in March. Oriia also knows Hayley from the past when Oriia and Hayley were in a choir in Ireland many years ago, and she even sat down and had lunch with Hayley. Oriia didn't find out about who Hayley was until she announced after the choir rehersal who she was and that she was in Ireland to promote her first CD, "Pure."

All of the girls are remarkable, but Hayley is my idol. In fact, everyone knows about the Wii game, "Endless Ocean," right? Hayley Westenra sings 10 songs in the game. Hayley Westenra is also known to be the youngest ambassador for UNICEF and she also has worked with other musical artists in their concerts, has done songs for both plays and movies (she did a song for Disney's Mulan 2). I have the DVD of Hayley's concert, which is filmed in New Zealand.

A friend of mind recommended me 2 years ago to Celtic music, so I got hooked on it real quick. First it was orchestrated music with nature sounds, then it was the group Celtic Woman I fell in love with. I'm also hooked on another Celtic/Classical group called Anúna, in which Méav and Órla are originally from. If anyone wants to hear music by them, people recorded the concerts and have clips of them on YouTube.